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New VETUS M3.29 Marine Diesel Engine with SP60 Saildrive
The new Vetus Mitsubishi M3.29 is a superbly quiet, compact and reliable 3 cylinder marine diesel inboard engine. The model shown here is the inter-cooled version with Twindisc SP60 Saildrive leg (2:38 ratio) ideal for small sailboats.Simple to install and easy to maintain, with all service items grouped on one side. The M3.29 ships with an attractive, waterproof key-switch panel (2m extendable hard-wired loom) with warning lights for low oil pressure, high water and exhaust temperature.
VETUS M3.29 Marine Diesel Engine with SP60 Saildrive Specifications:
Model : M3.29nStroke : 70 mmnBore : 76 mmnCapacity : 952cm3nNumber of Cylinders : 3nCompression Ratio : 22:1nFiring Order : 1-3-2nAlternator : 12 v 75 AnMax Output at Flywheel/Propshaft : 20 kW (27.2Hp) — 19.3kW (26.2Hp)nMaximum RPM : 3600nTorque at Max RPM : 53.1 NmnFuel Consumption : 270 g/kW.hnGearbox & Ratio : SP60 Saildrive 2.38:1nDry Weight (inc Gearbox) : 123 kgnFuel pump lift height : 1.5 m/5 ftnCalorifier Coection : Optional kitnWarning Lights/Audible Alarms : oil Pressure, Water Temperature (Raw & Fresh), Charge CurrentnCooling System : Indirect Sea-Water cooling
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Brand | VETUS |
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